Our Reach

PCW has thousands of fans throughout Northern California and regularly draws between 700 - 1000 for our four major events and 100 - 300 for our monthly branded shows. In addition, our YouTube has a worldwide reach with thousands of subscribers in the US and Europe.


This is a quick exhibition of what we can do. The Opener sponsorship level gives you a scripted audio commercial with a graphic to run on our YouTube channel for four weeks and a merchandise table at our next show.


A true showcase of our skill. You'll receive a fully produced, one to two-minute scripted commercial filmed in HD and suitable for air or social media, which we will air during our next live event, two tickets to that event, in addition to a merchandise table.

Main Event

This is the big one! You get the fully produced commercial which runs for four weeks on our YouTube Channel and at our next live show, and a merchandise table with four tickets to our next live show.

See the Results

You don't need to spend thousands to make a fully produced commercial to air on television and social media anymore. Let our professional production staff and colorful cast of characters do the job for you! Just keep scrolling to see what we are capable of!

1. Professional

We believe that everything we do should have the polish of professional quality to it. Once you've received our finished product, you'll feel like you've  gone to a professional ad agency.

2. Affordable

When people come to our shows, we believe that they should get the most BANG for the buck, and we feel like you should too! So we offer affordable sponsorships that won't break the bank and will pay out for you, and that's money in the bank!

3. Diverse Reach

We believe that wrestling is for everybody and our colorful cast of characters reflects that. So let us help you choose specific talent to reach your audience for targeted advertising.

4. Creative

We believe that normal just doesn't cut it; that's why we're in the wrestling business. Don't settle for cookie-cutter commercials when you can put our creative talents to the task!

5. Fun

We believe that folks should have fun at our shows and that we should have fun putting them on. Let us bring that sense of fun to your marketing strategy.

6. Exciting

We believe that boredom is the kiss of death in wrestling, and well-paced action can lead to an exciting resolution. Your commercials will be so engaging that people will visit your social media site to watch them repeatedly.

The numbers don't lie!

Packed houses, sold out shows, and rising subscribers mean more eyes on your product!


Shows per Year


Fans at Live Events 


YouTube Subscribers


Views Per Month

Select a Pricing Plan to Suit Your Needs!

You shouldn't need to take out a loan to see a wrestling show and shouldn't need one to advertise to a local audience. Contact us about selecting a plan that works for you!   


  • 1 Audio Commercial w/ logo
  • 4 Ad spots on YouTube Shows
  • Banner and Merchandise at Live Show

Main Event 

  • 1 Fully Produced Commercial 
  • 4 Ad spots on YouTube Shows
  • Banner, Commercial & Merchandise
    at live show
  • 4 Tickets to Live Show

Would You Like to Work With Us?

We'd love to work with you. Contact us using the form below and provide some details about yourself, your project and let us know how we can help!